Meijers Planten BV - Posterholt

The company Meijers Planten is run by the Meijers family. In 1985, René Meijers set up as an independent entrepreneur with a number of standard horticultural crops including leeks and asparagus, and also propagated plants for his own use. Thanks to good personal contact with other growers in the region, Meijers soon began performing various tasks for them. Thanks to his broad professional expertise and experience, René Meijers quickly gained the confidence of fellow growers and they began to ask him to produce leek plants for them. That was the start of the Meijers Planten nursery. It wasn't long before asparagus plants and strawberry plants were added to the range, and with great success. More and more buyers are making the very conscious decision to turn to the quality of Meijers Planten. Meijers Planten offers a great basis for top-level results.
